Garba Dance is a popular folk Dance of Gujarat. It is a circular form of dance performed by ladies on the Navaratri days, Sharad Purnima, Vasant Panchami, Holi and such other festive occasions. The word Garba is derived from the word Garbha Deep meaning a lamp inside a perforated earthen pot. The light inside the perforated earthen pot symbolised the embryonic life. In this folk dance, ladies place the pot with the lamp on their heads and move in circles, singing in time measure by clapping their palms or snapping their fingers, to the accompaniment of folk instruments.
The actual performance begins at night after the women finish their house hold work. All gather at street corners. A photograph of the goddess or a lamp is kept in the centre and around it the circle is formed. The dancing begins with slow tempo and reaches a fast tempo. The rhythm is kept by a Dholi or drummer who sit in the centre.
Some times, women carry on their heads 'Mandavali' a small canopy made of bamboo chips covered with a red silk piece of cloth. They dance with it and later put it in the centre. Mandavali symbolises the temple of the goddess. Women wear sari in the Gujarati style. Each community wears different clothes. In Saurashtra, women wear embroidered petticoats (Ghaghara), a backless choli (Kapdu) and a head cover (odhani) with lots of silver and head ornaments. Males wear Kediyum (shirt) Vajani (trouser) and Rumal a printed head piece with silver ornaments on the waist, neck and hands. The musical instruments used for Garba are mainly the drum or dhol and Nal. But Rasa has Pavo (a double flute) Vansali (flute) Zanza (Discs )etc. The drummer ties his drums around the neck and moves inside the circle beating it.
Garba songs are mostly in praise of Mother Goddess Amba describing her form, powers, and invoking her blessings. Also there are Garbas describing seasons and social themes of domestic ands married life.
There are certain folk dances which typically represent the community activities and their functional aspect. The Tippani folk dance is a dance of such a variety in which women labourers engaged in construction work, strike the floor with long sticks called Tippani. They have a rhythmic musical process to escape the tedium of the toil involved in their arduous task. The tribes in Gujarat have their own virile forms of the folk dances.
The costumes and the instruments used during these folkdances are also typical folk costumes which mostly consist of a short coat called Kedia with tight sleeves with embroidered borders and shoulders, tight trousers like the Churidars and colourfully embroidered caps or coloured turbans and a coloured waist band.
Damru, Tabla, Nagara, and pot drum are among the instruments; percussion, Ektaro, Ravan hattho, and Jantar are among the string instruments and Pavo, shehani, murli, turi, and taturi are wind instruments used as accompaniments in the folk dances.